Can Emsculpt Help With Diastasis Recti?

Completing a series of Emsculpt treatments (4-6 sessions, 30 minutes each) is proven to strengthen the abdominal wall non-invasively AND without surgery! This means that for new moms, this technology is a game-changer when it comes to rebuilding your abdominal wall post partum.

Emsculpt is a treatment that uses high intensity HIFEM (high-intensity focused electromagnetic) technology to create supramaximal contractions. These contractions reach nearly 100% compared to in a gym workout where body builders reach about a 20% contraction.  Each 30 minute treatment is equivalent to 30,000 crunches! Most people don’t do that amount in the gym, and if you are a new mom, we certainly know that time is of the essence!

When you have diastasis recti, your connective tissue and abdominal walls are not only thin but pulled apart. When it comes to strength training- doing crunches and sit-ups can sometimes further pull apart those muscles. That is why using the Emsculpt is a great option. The contractions are non voluntary and similar to isometric contractions which is proven to help rebuild the muscle and decrease the gap!

If you need even more of a reason to love Emsculpt- most people wonder if they will be sore after their treatment.. This treatment is pain-free, non-invasive, no downtime and FDA approved. There may be a little bit of soreness, but BTL truly thought of everything when designing this treatment. There is a portion of the treatment that allows for the flushing of Lactic Acid, which means that generally you’ll be no more sore then a light gym workout!

If you’d like to give Emsculpt a try, then make sure to give us a call at 306-570-7546 and come in for a FREE consultation! You can also book your free consult with us online. We are located at 2206 Dewdney Ave, Suite 203, Regina, Sasktachewan.


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